tbh I stopped watching other peoples’ snapchats bc the ingenuity was overwhelming. Then I had to stop watching ppls instagram stories for the same reason. Then I stopped scrolling thru Instagram for the same reason. And now twitter finna make me do the same thing 😭
Like when I tell y’all, it’s so stomach wrenchingly cringe to see people post about stuff and preach morals that they themselves don’t posess... it is weird. some of you are weird. and a lot of it is reposts from problematic people too
and then even as far as ppl who are not horrible.. it’s still weird to see them post some things that are clearly for others’ approval. ppl don’t even be posting because they’re happy or for the memories lol. it’s like some people feel obligated to share
like it’s just so crazy to me that numbers determine some people’s’ self worth, or play a large part in it. It’s easily seen thru social media fiends. But it can be seen beyond that, for example: productivity. In terms of “business”.
this thread has gone a little off topic but
I’ve been learning to let go of the white mans definitions and standards. It’s freeing. But it also hurts to see others unhappily trapped by those same standards ☹️ like bro just vibe out and be happy
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