Today is the 8 year anniversary of Alyssa’s ankle surgery that caused #CRPS It wasn’t the surgery alone, it was the subsequent Tx’s after that played a hand in it 😔 Alyssa had surgery to stabilize the ligaments in her ankle. Same surgery as Michael Brantley. Two vastly different
outcomes. And yes I was extra worried when MB had the surgery. I need to work on the letter to the judge for her disability hearing. Going to add to this thread things I want to include in that letter. How am I to condense these last 8 years in just a few pages? Also need to get
the press release done for #CRPSAwarenessMonth I find both the letter writing & press release quite challenging. For different reasons tho. The letter writing should be obvious. The PR is a catch 22. While I want attention for #CRPS to raise awareness & educate people, I don’t
want the attention. It freaks me out that if any media outlets do run with this, I may have to be the spokesperson. I used to do it for the roller rink. I knew what I was talking about. With #CRPS my thoughts get jumbled together. There’s so much to it they even had to put
Complex in the name 🤣 #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome It’s hard to pick what to focus on. And I’ll be honest. There’s so much I don’t understand...ugh. I just need to remind myself WHY I do this. As challenging as this is for me it pales in comparison to the challenges Alyssa & all
#CRPS warriors face every day. I’ve met so many of them on here & they’re all wonderful people 🧡 I am so grateful for the support & insight they provide me & Alyssa. They are all worth the little bit of discomfort & anxiety I will experience.
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