1/3 *Violence*
* Kyle Rittenhouse
* His lawyer is John Pierce, Pierce Bainbridge
* PB repped Giuliani, Carter Page, Tulsi Gabbard...
* Pierce & Violence. (See pic, Pierce is "Respondent," K&L Gates a law firm)
* Pierce financial issues too (See pic)
* #FightBack #whistleblower
2/3 John Pierce lots of abandonment. He had ~70 attorneys in September. Almost all quit. Pierce appears to have done a very poor job. See more about his firm & Giuliani at my pinned tweet. For new ppl, this video by @sulkess is a đŸ”„great primer.đŸ”„
3/3 Pierce Bainbridge won 1 trial in 3+years. Racked up a reported $70M debt. Clients included convicted felons and folks w/ ties to money laundering. Pierce talked a big game -- "Next Generation of Litigation" -- "Most Elite Litigators on the Planet." Yet, Lots of Failure.
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