a thread of nice things i wanna say to people but am too scared to tell them straight to their face so they’ll just have to guess which one might be them:
ur so creative like.. sometimes you come up with stuff i can’t even imagine i’m so proud of u and i admire ur hard work sm
as much as you piss me off with this sometimes, i genuinely think it’s really cool youre so straightforward and blunt sometimes. i like hearing the truth flat out and you definitely provide that for me. i really appreciate it..
you’re the only person i really feel myself around sometimes. u are just able to calm me down so much. i actually love talking to you, sometimes i just get upset because i’m overwhelmed and can’t focus on talking and working at the same time, i’m sorry :-(
you’re actually such a fun friend and ur so generous. like even though sometimes when we talk i’m just like •__• it’s only because i don’t know how to talk to you quite yet. but you’re so supportive and you always hype me up, i think ur so sweet
i appreciate your kind words and all the times you would help me through my stress during school because you knew how much my work meant to me and how upset i got when something got messed up. without fail, u were always there to calm me down.
you’re so confident in yourself like wow.. seeing how proud you are of yourself and ur accomplishments makes me so happy you don’t even know, u deserve the world
i don’t even know why you let me vent to you so much, but you never make me feel like a burden. you always tell me to keep talking and that it’s okay and i just.. love how comforting you are. ur so sweet, everything good in life is gonna come to u, u deserve it
i hate it when you parent me buuuuut i also appreciate how protective you are of me sometimes. i like hearing your opinions on descisions/issues i’m going through; i trust ur opinion because you just.. tell it to me straight.
i care about u sm and i wish i had a better way to let you know but i rarely see you anymore. but anyways i’m so happy for you because i see how good you look with your new friends and extended family. i’m rlly proud of how far you’ve come.
YOU, when u see this i hope you know it’s abt you. you better fly out here again soon because i already miss you :”)) ur one of the sweetest people i know, i’m so lucky to know you
i straight up just met you a lil bit ago but we click so well, i’m so excited to get to know you better, ur so fun
ur such a mom. that’s all. i just adore u. i hope you’re well. i rlly miss u.
i forgive you, i just... don’t really feel like straight up telling you..
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