on the grand scheme of things, we are so small and humanity is so few and yet so incredibly separated. nationalism is stupid.
in the face of the looming entirety of the universe, all we really know is earth. all we really have is the human race to move through life together. and yet we cannot even have any type of homogeneity with our species to leave any real mark on the expanse of space-time
who fucking cares about which country goes into space first or who colonizes mars first. how do people not realize that pooling resources to expand the human race and explore the universe is much more achievable as one body.
this is all rhetorical, humans are incredibly stupid and groups foster more stupidity and individualism and exclusivity and blah blah blah
but jfc we are just one unremarkable planet in one unremarkable solar system depending on one medium sized star in one unremarkable galaxy that is by no means the center of anything. nationalism makes no sense on such an enormous scale and yet.
humans are egocentric. we cannot grasp the enormity of it all. we don't know everything about space. everything about us is unremarkable. except that it isnt, not really. not to our knowledge at least
we are remarkable bc we are the only intellectual* complex forms of life that we know of. as far as we know there is nothing out there quite like us

*there is a debate on if we are truly intellectual but i digress
but ofc we waste away our planet and we waste away our large scale opportunities and we shut down funding and we shut down attempts to repair the earth from damage we caused and then accelerated. the debate on whether or not we are intellectual rages on doesnt it?
and not only that! we pick fights with everyone! hoarding resources from one country to the next. hoarding money when people could use it. we are our own detriment in the universe
infighting between made up groups and idiotic, meaningless "moral" conundrums. aliens would surely think we are imbeciles destined to ruin ourselves, so why waste their time and energy destroying us themselves?
nationalism is stupid. individualism is stupid. capitalism does nothing for the good of the species on a whole.
luckily we are but a speck floating in a universe that wholly does not give a fuck about us so however badly we fuck up ultimately wont matter on any scale larger than the myopic, egotistical ones we use to measure anything of substance
anyways, the concept that we are truly miniscule and probably dont matter in the long run may be jarring but i take great comfort in knowing this.
and yes, there are many other factors in why the world is disjointed and broken as it is; white men are a big cause of it of course. but this thread is not for socio-political arguments because again; any being outside of earth surely does not give a fuck about this.
tl;dr we are small, but it is not a bad thing. we are insignificant but it is not a bad thing. there is comfort in everything. nationalism is stupid but will not change in the forseeable future so we are stuck like this i suppose
disclaimer: this is off the top of my head, i did not proof read this, i apologize if my points did not come across as succinctly as i envisioned it; this thread is more for me than anyone else so its okay if u dont like it
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