@LtGovDanForest @DanForestNC thought you would be interested in something that I came across this evening. It scroll down to table 3. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm?fbclid=IwAR2-muRM3tB3uBdbTrmKwH1NdaBx6PpZo2kxotNwkUXlnbZXCwSRP2OmqsI
You will see that only 6% of the deaths from 2/1 - 8/22 are FROM Covid19. 94% include avg of 2.6 comorbidities. This also includes unintentional and intentional deaths and poisoning such as car wreck, suicides, homicide and tested positive after death. I am looking for -cont..
NC data but in general for the US as of 8/22 161,392 deaths and only 9,683 were FROM covid. It is time to stop the political madness and make Cooper #reopenNC immediately with no restrictions. I will update this thread once I get the state data. We are being lied to
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