What if Gandalf rode a motorcycle instead of shadowfaxe
One artists rendition
This is now my lotr thread anyway legolas
Wargs have been underutilized in band merch, fake fans
The way gimli just fuckin rag dolls to the ground always sends me
The caravan arrives at helms deep
Eowyn is my wife
Treebeard has a wap dont @ me
Mentally I’m Aragorn riding his horse half alive and barely coherent across the fields
Arwens dad is such a jerk
I want a bowling ball with the eye of sauron
Tfw your horn washes up on the riverbank, cloven in two
Boromir in the strawberry dress when
This creature is bound to me
Samwise/Frodo otp
Does anyone have the score for this on vinyl
If I even worked in small part on this trilogy you could not get me to shut up about it for all my days
I want Aragorns haircut
Where was Gondor when we built a ladder to heaven
This is a good sword
Gimlis titties are busting out of his chainmail armour
The elves battle uniforms had such flare
The mouth of the Uruk-hai were so gross well done to whomever moistened those
Empty eye socket reveal
Gimli nailing that guy in the dick with his axe after learning legolas was outscoring him was a power move
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