I'm so goddamn mad about the current state of Doctor Who. Timeless Child lore shit, terrible writing and preachiness aside; Chibnall era Doctor Who is just straight up character assassination.

Specifically, the ending of The Timeless Children.
Compare the resolution of The Timeless Children to, IDK, any moral dilemma in modern Doctor Who and you'll see exactly what I mean.

(This most-likely applies to classic Who, but I haven't watched it.)
For the uninitiated, The Doctor is confronting The Master and a squad of Cyber Time Lords (yes, really). The Doctor is wielding a bomb that can wipe out all life on the planet and this is the only way to stop them. It's essentially a rehash of Parting of the Ways.
What do you think the Doctor does?

Fucking nothing. An old man shows up and bails her out. He takes the bomb and she runs the fuck away to escape in a TARDIS without hesitation.

Fuck off. Just fuck off. The Doctor would never, EVER, do this.
It's the antithesis of everything The Doctor is. The Doctor is never cruel or cowardly.
The Doctor can take anyone and make them feel important, which is why the "Time Lord Victorious" moment in The Waters of Mars was The Doctor at his worst. Simply because he described those he saves as "little people."
As soon as he saw Wilf trapped inside the radiation chamber, he already got angry because knew what he had to do, because sacrificing one person just isn't an option to him.

13 would have walked off awkwardly and left him to die.
There are countless examples of situations where The Doctor would sacrifice himself to save another. River had to handcuff him to stop him from taking her place and sacrificing herself.
In Fathers' Day, The Doctor attempted to use the TARDIS to evacuate the surviving humans because the only way to fix the paradox is to let one man die. He would put a single life before the laws of time itself.
The resolution to Day of The Doctor is considered a retcon, because as far as we knew, The Doctor used the Moment to end the Time War. Instead, he sent Gallifrey to a pocket universe.
It makes 9's character arc kinda nonsensical, but it's more consistent with The Doctor as a character IMO. The Doctor is not a killer and would never commit an act of genocide.
In Journey's End, when Davros says "you take ordinary people and fashion them into weapons", it's powerful because we know that's not who The Doctor is, but it's also true because it's a consequence of his heroism.

13 just proved Davros right.
In Last of the Time Lords, The Doctor convinces Francine not to shoot The Master, because he is empathetic and can forgive anyone.

13 has no problems letting someone else execute The Master, and this is just 2 seasons after 12 did everything he could to try to reform Missy!
In fact, let's talk about 12; He died pushing back against an army of Cybermen just to prolong the lives of a small village of humans who were doomed to be killed or converted anyway.

To be fair, the TARDIS was inaccessible, so 13 wouldn't be able to run away like a coward.
I'm going to finish the thread tomorrow. I only posted it now because I thought Twitter deleted a few tweets when I saved them to drafts, but they're fine. Goodnight.
Where was I? Oh yeah: In The Timeless Children, The 13th Doctor is no better than the Cybermen or The Master because like the Cybermen, she lost her empathy and like The Master, she no longer cares about saving lives and is willing to let people die.
The Doctor is no longer a good role model. If the Dalek Emperor asked 13 "Are you coward or killer", she'd reply "Yes."

Throughout this thread, I've been quite harsh towards 13, but to be fair, she isn't always cruel and cowardly; she's just written to be super inconsistent!
Remember how in The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos, 13 was opposed to Graham taking revenge against the villain who killed his wife?

That conflict is pointless when you realise that 13 is willing to kill her best frenemy, The Master, to avenge Gallifrey.
(9 was also about to avenge Gallifrey in Dalek, but Rose stopped him and reminded him who he is. But I'm going off on a tangent because this is meant to be about how 13 is inconsistent.)
13 also used The Master's race against him when she deactivated his perception filter and left him to be captured by Nazis. I wasn't even thinking about this when writing this thread but holy fuck!
"Never be cruel, never be cowardly" fell on deaf ears because little did 12 know, he was about to regenerate into a literal Nazi collaborator!

I could end it here, but let's keep going!
Basically, 13's morals are a coin flip. At the end of two episodes, people are in danger and she can use the TARDIS to save them. She saved them in Praxeus, but not Orphan 55.
How do I even continue writing this thread? It's fun as fuck to rip Chibnall era Who a new one by comparing 13's characterisation with pivotal moments from the RTD and Moffat eras, but I think "The Doctor is now a literal Nazi collaborator" speaks for itself. I made my point.
There is some sweet irony in the fact that the one Doctor woke leftists love is a literal Nazi collaborator.
I really wish I had more Doctor Who mutuals because this thread is one of my greatest accomplishments.
In conclusion: The Doctor is now dead to me. Maybe I'll continue watching out of morbid curiosity, but I have no reason to give a damn about any new episodes because The Doctor is simply no longer The Doctor.
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