Louisiana is facing a humanitarian crisis and no one is talking about it! There is no running water or electricity. Entire neighborhoods are leveled. PLEASE STOP SCROLLING! A simple retweet or donation could mean everything! #helplakecharles #helplouisiana
LC is not projected to regain water or electricity for 6-8 weeks. We have a lack of clean drinking water. We are “washing” with baby wipes. We are defecating in holes in the backyard. We cannot wash our hands in the middle of a pandemic. We have no AC and it’s August in Louisiana
People are being forced back into unsafe and unsanitary conditions because they have no where else to go. FEMA hotel vouchers are scarce and with gas shortages/price gouging, these places are out of reach for many evacuees. Federal aid is not immediate, and many residents have
nothing left to keep them afloat. Cameron is underwater, LC is unrecognizable, and we are having to rebuild from the ground up. Please, put pressure on the media, put pressure on our government! We cannot do this alone. #helplouisiana #helplakecharles #HurricaneLaura2020
“The most powerful storm to ever make landfall in Louisiana”
You can follow @tori_self6.
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