tw// abuse

yeah i don’t think your take on this was the great take you think it is either. i grew up in a first generation arab household, i know EVERYTHING about colonization and mental and physical abuse. my parents literally lived through and fought in a fucking war
so don’t think for a SECOND you did something there. i will never be able to have my own take on the colonization of natives but that has NOTHING to do with anything i tweeted. yeah, it IS a fucking pixel. that’s the point of the story. getting abused and redeeming yourself
and helping the hero save the world or whatever. that is the WHOLE FUCKING POINT of his arc. literally. from someone who used to live in a colonized country when i was a baby, and have heard the struggles my parents had to go through for many decades before, i PERSONALLY thought
it was WEIRD to get in a relationship with someone who had ANYTHING to do with the colonization of your people or others. but no, that’s not why i’m venting in this thread. i’m venting because i will NEVER let a fucking stranger on twitter tell me i don’t know a thing
about colonization and abuse when growing up i went through BOTH of those things. abuse is considered “discipline” in my culture. i will walk the world barefoot before i ever get undermined on twitter over a fucking cartoon.
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