IMO, the next front in the movement for black lives is how they’re gonna sacrifice a bunch of black boys for the sake of entertainment.

Schools in the South have delayed their opens or moved to distance learning to protect their students, except in one area:

I love reading local small-town newspapers and I was shocked to find out that high school football has ALREADY STARTED!

In many of these states and towns, they have SHUT DOWN the school district because of coronavirus concerns but are letting them play football.
Take Alabama for instance. Alabama is a conservative state that wants to ‘open up its economy’ so of course they opened their schools right?


It’s too dangerous. Here are are the new cases in Alabama. Notice the resurgence in the last 2 weeks.
They have have been playing high school football for TWO WEEKS!

Who do you think is playing on these teams. And of course the kids WANT TO PLAY.

Shoot, I wanna go to a bar and have a drink... But I’m stupid. Luckily, there are rules for stupid people like me.
Of course, I bet the people over football have testing, contract tracing when they test positive and follow CDC guidelines. I think these are good ideas and, remember, I’M STUPID!

Here are the rules for the state athletic association that governs high school athletics.
That’s right. Even if your kid’s school is closed because of COVID-19, he can still play FB. And if your child or a teammate tests positive, a parent might never find out.

But it’s not just HS football. The ACC & SEC are set to play in the places where the virus is the worse:
In 2 weeks, 1200 students have tested positive at the University of Alabama. At Auburn, the coach mysteriously cancelled practices this week and changed his media availability. So they shut everything down...

Not football, dummy, they shut down the bars and the parties!
The funny thing about these schools is that they are located in tiny little college communities in Lee and Tuscaloosa Counties.

So where are the two worse outbreaks in the state?
Of course, even though these places have high COVID rates, these football players are young, and young people aren’t affected

Nah, that’s for white people.

Here is what the APM research lab says young black people have a HIGHER mortality disparity when it comes to COVID-19
There is NO DOUBT that this is going to cost some of these black men and boys their lives..

How do I know?

Well, according to the CDC, here are the worst things you can do in the era of coronavirus:

1. Be in a crowd
2. Have physical contact
3. Be Black
Many of us see these coaches as progressive and caring about black people...Until they retire and come out as Trump supporters like former Notre Dame coach Lou Holtz, who spat all over the mic praising Trump at the RNC as he explained how Jesus told him to support a racist
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