He consistently shows right-sided circumduction gait. As with his mental condition, we cannot say for certain what is the cause, but we can say it is abnormal and should be assumed serious until proven otherwise. https://twitter.com/thehill/status/1299780632453746688
A stroke would be the most worrisome cause. If it were just one stroke, his gait would grow better, but it seems to be growing worse. He made such a big deal of his opponent suffering pneumonia and then recovering, but his signs are extremely serious ones with a poor prognosis.
The abnormal gait has been observable at least since his November 2019 visit to Walter Reed. His near-fall earlier, right-sided weakness when holding a cup, and slurred speech are also relevant in raising concerns.
Strokes do not just cause physical debility and collapse. Multiple small strokes may go undetected while producing psychiatric symptoms such as impulsivity, anger outbursts, worsening of personality disorders, and dementia.
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