
The first friend I encountered was this Red-Femured Spotted Orbweaver. The picture on the left is the natural color. The right is edited so you can see the eyes. I also have a video where he danced with me, but that's for another day.

#nature #naturelovers #OrbWeaver

The second friend is the Calico Pennant. I just love this one. From the Red on the tip of his wings to the true Camouflage pattern near his segmented abdomen. I'm a sucker for dragonflies, so this was made my day

#nature #naturelovers #dragonfly

Next, I ran into Efferia Aestuans or the "Robber Fly" as they are sometimes called 😂 (By people who don't speak "nerd"). The are also known as Assassin flies and are voracious predators. A true hunter of other insects.

#nature #naturelovers #RobberFly

Finally, I was able to capture this Red-spotted Admiral. It took me 30 minutes to get this one shot. However, I wanted you to see the bottom of the wing. SO gorgeous. Dark, vibrant, and beautiful all in one.

#nature #naturelovers #RedSpottedAdmiral
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