Americans are truly hopeless. Even the well meaning ones. Now we are wasting time to explain to them why you should give a comrade in need money without exchange for anything. Really? You need a infographic on why that's the case?
You all think you must 'work' to deserve the basics of living a dignified life, you don't just deserve them because you are human. This is Calvinist thinking that has ruined Americans. That we must work to earn our dignity.
Communism isn't not working either, it's working with dignity & purpose. And those who can't work for any reason, as comrades we provide for them without anything in exchange. It's not charity, it's mutual aid. It's communal responsibility.
Charity was a concept invented by capitalists to give the poor scraps to make themselves feel better about themselves & make the poor grateful for scraps. We have a lot to unlearn here.
Hard work is good if it's purposeful and your life is sustained & you don't feel burdened if you can't work, hard work to just barely keep head above water is exploitation.
These are very simple natural common sense things to me yet Americans need a whole dissertations to break it down to them.
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