reminder: eat enough
just about fainted in the shower because i hadn’t eaten enough, stomach felt like i was upside down and i lost my vision and hearing, climbed out of the shower and sat on the ground for 5 minutes
and reminder: do not comment on the amount of food on people’s plates, and do not comment on their body weight. it is none of our places to do so, such as saying “you’re so thin!” or “you’re so fat, you should lose some weight”
it is none of your business and does not affect you
you do not know their current relationship or past relationship with food, so it is disrespectful to comment
anybody can eat whatever amount of food they want
if you’re fatphobic, transphobic, racist, sexist, or homophobic unfollow me ♡, i want nothing to do with you
You can follow @astralbow.
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