Historical figures in North American history who intentionally created conditions of child abuse & child murder are not the people we should venerate or build monuments for.

History is complex. Values are simple & true. No victim ever thought, “it’s okay because of the times.”
Those who have traditionally been the victims of power are now stepping into their own power.

One of their first acts is to topple the symbols of hate and racism.

Is this an erasure if history, or is it the remembrance of history laid bare with the blinders pulled off?
Is there a balance that will ultimately be achieved where we can tell the truth about all these things & reconcile facts?

Not while leaders beat the nationalist drum and seek division with their words instead of bringing us together.

There can be a bright future in all of this.
But it will be hard to find that future if we continue to glorify dark histories instead of shining light and truth on those places of darkness.

That’s the job of leadership.

If you’re not willing to do that job, step aside. Make things better by your presence, not worse.
Now, maybe pulling down & defacing these works isn’t the answer, but neither is the continuing racism inherent in legislation like the Indian Act or the generations of Canadians who have faced racism & still do today.

Instead of condemnation, we should listen well to each other.
Failure to listen, learn, &grow is the ultimate failure of leadership.

Only the weak can’t do the good work.

Only those who wither can’t grow.

Only those who are empty fill their words with hate.

The strong are capable of all this & more. It takes strength to be vulnerable.
So in these times of change, you’ll see the weak try to use their words to divide us. You’ll see the weak stand up & pound their chests & try to look strong when really they’re afraid.

So look to the leaders - those who have the capacity to be humble.

They’re the ones we need.
In the end this isn’t about statues or history at all.

It’s about our youth looking at this world they’re inheriting and demanding change.

They want better.

And why shouldn’t they?

It’s their future. We’re only here to help usher it in - in a good & healthy way.

Thank you.
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