Sometimes social media can be a hard place to navigate.
Especially when you follow a guy like #SamHeughan.
The danger of being caught in a "Thirst Trap" is very real.
I've seen many caught, some don't survive.
I thought I could provide some advice?
Good Luck, stay vigilant.
1. Know what a "Thirst Trap" is.
A Thirst Trap is a photograph or a message, posted on social media with the intent of causing others to publicly profess their attraction.
See an example below ⬇️
2. Some thirst traps are easy to spot.
Some aren't.
And, unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your point of view), #SamHeughan is pretty much a walking Thirst Trap.
See below for easy to spot Thirst Traps ⬇️
3. Some are harder to spot, & these ones are lethal.
These are the photos that result in you forgetting about work, the husband, your partner, the kids, bills and life responsibilities in general.
People think that the real threats are the obvious ones.
They aren't.
These are ⬇️
4. Ok. We know about the obvious ones.
We know about the not-so-obvious ones.
Now we need to be mindful of the combination ones.
Sam and babies. Good luck (you might just end up pregnant yourself!)
Sam and kids. Seriously, be careful.
Sam and animals. Gone.
5. Continuing with our combination theme, if you add whisky, or fruit or food in general you can become hungry & thirsty.
Obviously, a difficult combination (once again, difficult being dependant on your point of view).
6. Sam and bikes?
For God's sake stay safe!!
7. And, one we really need to point out is photographs where Sam's knees are seen.
I don't know what it is, I'm sure researchers are writing papers on it as we tweet, but damn it, that guy's knees are kryptonite to many.
Seriously, I reckon even Superman would fall over!
And just in case you weren't aware, Sam and his belts.
A definite thirst trap.
Not sure whether it is the brand of belt or what, but I saw a belt picture once and I woke up seven days later, in the desert.
It was weird.
PS, this first photo is a high risk photo.
Be careful.
9. Ok.
We've covered some basic areas.
Now we get into the serious end.
His philanthropy.
His kindness.
His intelligence.
His ability to put everyone else first.
His praise of everyone he works with.
His MPC platform.
His care for the environment.
His ability to use his "voice".
10. For me, that's the ultimate Sam Heughan Thirst Trap and that's why I'm still here.
He's just a lovely guy.
11. In summation, I don't think there's anything you can do apart from read the book, watch the shows, join the platforms and, oh, upgrade to a phone with greater storage, you're going to need it so you can save the photos, the gifs, the videos and everything else Sam-related!!
You can follow @peekaboo_jen.
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