I'm going to make a thread debunking some "arguments" i heared today regarding men in feminism
For starters, i think is clear i dont believe men have a place in feminism, that doesnt make men sexist or disgusting people, they can be allies and they should support feminism FROM THE OUTSIDE. Feminism is a movement created by and for women, for the liberation of women.
This liberation of women is given by dismanteling the patriarchal system, a system created by men that has been happening since the beginning of times and it still affects women to this day. Man, willingly or not are always being benefitieted by this system, that does not make
a specific men a disgusting person, is just how society works. Now, it is not the same being a women from the us than being a women in argentina. As the us is a first world country, we can confirm that women, eventhough they are still opressed, are more priviliged than women
in argentina, a third world country. This is why feminism works differently all around the world. So, you could argue "ok, then we people from the us can say men are feminist because here it works", well, no. Because your actions affect all women, from all countries. And that
for example, a famous guy starts saying he is a feminist, then men will start to do the same here. Many women have encountered their own abusers attending women march because people allow them to call themselves feminists, and this is not the worse thing that happened.
Here in argentina and i believe in many other countries we have this movement called "ni una menos" which is a feminist movement against violence towards women. There was this guy who attended to every ni una menos march with his girlfriend, he murdered her. This is why we keep
trying to explain. to say men are feminists gives them this power in a movement that does not belong to us. and yes of course not all men will kill their girlfriend, but that is a stupid ass argument as the "not all cops" argument.
Yes, the patriarchal system is a worldwide problem, but depending where you live, the color of your skin, if you are cis or trans it affects you differently. Its not the same being a women in the us than a women in palestine nowadays. That is what you need to understand
Dont be blinded with your privilige, and understand we are not saying this because we hate men, i mean i stan dan and phil who are two of the most amazing people i know. But eventhough i know they arent sexist, i disagree that they call themselves feminists, and im sure they
would understand if i got to explain to them. With this being said, please stop harrasing people for believing in different things than you believe in, we arent hurting anyone saying men cannot be feminists, its like joking about straight people. The opressor cannot be opressed.
Also, please if you want to justify yourself in any matter do not use wikipedia or google, at least go to google schoolar, those are not viable sources, believe me i did an extended essay on feminism, racism and postcolonialism those sources are shitty af
To conclude, if you want to have a respectful discussion about this please dm me and ill be happy to explain and i will listen to your point of view. Please dont attack people, personally i dont take it to heart but you do not know what is happeningon the other side of the phone
here is a other example:
"He joined her in ni una menos marches, and then he killed her with 30 stabs"
this is a video where this girl asked for people to give women name in the comments and showed that there is not one name that doesnt have a news report of a femicide. men are the problem, not all men, but most of them unfortunatley. https://twitter.com/defencelesx91/status/1299914460715507712?s=19
something that was really stupid of me not adding is men will never experience the opression women go through and that should be enough reason why they cannot be feminists
oh look, a "feminist" who attended one day the prolife march and the other day the pro choice march in argentina, he did this only to get girls yes!! such an amazing feminist
also to be a feminist you HAVE to be pro choice, if you dont believe women should have the right to decide on what to do with their bodies, you are not a feminist!😬
"your ally is my rapist" https://twitter.com/citroclipse/status/1299939643559993345?s=19
if you refuse to accept your privilige and understand why other women are trying so hard to make you understand why men cannot be feminists you are disgusting and not a true feminist. you are literally putting boy's feelings above women issues, lame
also a WOMAN quoted this thread saying its funny, yeah its really funny a thread that talks about abuse, rape and the murder of women. you are really a true feminist emma! congratulations
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