Just stop. This is embarrassing.

I don’t know who told you that growing up poor means that you get to dictate to Black people how we should think. But privilege discourse isn’t supposed to be about using a hierarchy of oppression to silence valid perspectives. https://twitter.com/cmclymer/status/1299855869459525633
You have white privilege. You have the privilege of having multiple generations of family in this country given human rights. I don’t. My grandmother was a 16 year old parent who did her best & managed to raise a first gen college grad. I am grateful for my mom.
She also spent the last 20 years as a single parent bc a white American driver hit my dad on a roadside and Kenya and left him there to die bc he thought he was Kenyan and therefore his life didn’t matter. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/2002/12/23/crossed-paths-in-africa/d7a0234f-571c-43e0-861e-a65f5d9aa6e7/
I have some privileges but not others. As do you. The difference between us is I don’t have to weaponize my struggles to substantiate my world view: that Biden would be a more electable candidate if he did the bare minimum for the vulnerable folks that comprise his base.
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