gonna take this opportunity to tell u all that Elon musk and Grimes got together bc he tweeted a joke about Roko’s basilisk, which is a dumbass thought experiment/conspiracy theory about an AI becoming powerful enough to punish humanity and if you don't donate time/money- https://twitter.com/nxthompson/status/1299510961829797888
to help create a benelovent AI god that can take care of humanity rather than be evil, then you will be complicit in the downfall of man are the hands of a rogue AI and u deserve to be punished. It's fucking stupid.
Anyway, this thought experiment originated with the Less Wrong movement, which is a fucking stupid ass techie cult that claims that ~The Singularity™️~ (an event where AI will become sentient and take over the world) is inevitable so we need to be investing all our efforts-
into developing a totally sentient AI that will act as a benelovent god and will protect us from the inevitable evil AI. It's a total money suck run by a fucking amoral madman who takes a strictly utilitarian/algorithm driven approach to ethics and-
once stated that it is preferable to torture a single person for 50 years than for a sufficient number of people (to be fair, a lot of people) to get dust specks in their eyes. Yeah. This man literally has summer camps for children to indoctrinate them into "rationalism" and
lots of people have been manipulated into this cult and have been harmed and abused. Here's an example of the cult members' manipulative tactics
there's a lot more info out there on this cult BUT ANYWAY the reason I bring it up is bc Elon Musk investing so much money into AI/transhumanist research because he is a member of this cult. He and Grimes are advancing the goals of a techie doomsday cult!!
Elon doesn't care about his exploited workers, not just bc it's profitable not to care, but also bc according to effective altruism the benefits of exploiting and harming people outweigh the harm bc their sacrifice is helping Elon fund the creation of benevolent AI
idk I feel like so many people are not aware of this cult and how utterly entrenched it is in silicon valley tech bro culture. I know lots of leftists think transhumanism is cool but like be please be critical of the rhetoric surrounding it.
anyway tl;dr: Elon musk is a member of a doomsday cult that's basically Scientology for techs and his big push for AI/transhumanist research/tech is most likely due to his involvement in said cult
for the curious: the Harry Potter fic is "Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality". It's marketed as a like fix it fic of sorts. I read it back before I knew of its origins and the way it propagates cult propaganda is really subtle and convincing, to the point where-
I went on the lesswrong website and could very easily have fallen prey to their harmful rhetoric bc I was young and impressionable and I liked Harry Potter
here's a good addition made by a friend who's on priv
Oh also Grimes has literally written what are essentially worship songs for this cult lol. Thank u Grimes, very cool!
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