So I'm playing persona 3 FES for the first time (thread)
Oh hello again eerie prison child. Are you my sleep paralysis demon or something?
An ordeal awaits me on the full moon, eh?
Hun the dancing hands miniboss is making a fool of me enough already I'm gonna get my ass handed to me aren't I?
Cheers for the warning, ya wee Persona 5 velvet room reject
Maya is such a late 2000s emo chick I think I love her?
Is persona 2 fictious in the world of persona 3-5?
Akihiko napping on the couch is so cute LET ME DATE HIM ATLUS YOU COWARDS
Damn, fusing Forneus really did make all the difference. Those dancing hands were a cake walk this time! Thank fuck!
BJ titties? Smashed.
Man this game has nothing but absolute bangers in the soundtrack eh? I can barely make out a word even in the English sections of the lyrics but you can bet your ass I'm getting down. Lotus juice 😍😍
This game is so much harder than Persona 5 holy shit! I think I died maybe twice through my entire 200+ hour original playthrough of p5. I've died at least 6 times and I'm only on the second layer of tartarus fml.
Yukari I am BEGGING YOU, stop wasting SP on enemies with like 3hp left. Just shoot them! Please!
I really need to fuse a persona that knows hama and a persona that knows elec skills. I am getting pulverised here
It's so hard I keep dying and losing all my fucking progress FUCKing mudo using bastards fuck you
Just got ma arse kicked by 3 tables. They're weak to ice so I went in with my old bufu boy, but that persona was weak to fire so they all just dogpiled me lmao I got rekt
Alrighty I fused Yomotsu Shikome who has bufu AND isn't weak to agi so I should be good to beat those baddies now 👍
I hope I get some AOE skills soon
Oh my god are you kidding me? I was just ONE FLOOR away from the checkpoint when I died. That's like 2 hours of work down the drain
"rawr, i even have to work from homo this weekend... =("
Wtf does this mean Maya
Ah, we meet again, eerie child. Remind me to put a lock on that goddamn door in the morning
Why does Akihiko's friend hang out in a crack den, exactly?
Weird dude
"I still have sum spunk left at my age" Maya I am literally begging you to stop
So I accidentally stayed up till 4am playing. Would have liked to have gone to bed an hour ago but I didn't save close enough to the full moon so I had to keep playing till I could save the night afterwards. I know p5 doesn't have it either but I miss autosave man
I feel so bad. Yuko is telling me about how her ex cheated on her and the other victim picks on her - and I don't have a choice but to cheat on her too. Sucks that we can't pick a romance route like in p4 and p5. Man, Makoto is an asshole!
This boy really is out here traumatising every girl in school huh
I ship Mitsuru and unnamed female student. I hope senpai notices you too, my sapphic sister!
This game gives me the opposite anxiety I had playing p5 - too many social links want to rank up at once! How the hell do I choose who to hang with?
I chose to hang with Chihiro. She wasn't ready to rank up. Ahhhh I wasted my daaay
OK I propose a crack ship! Yamagishi and Narukami. Their shipname is FuukaYu ( ‟́ ◡ ‟́ )
Having the knock down command unlocked is an absolute game changer. I finally don't completely suck because I have some degree of control over my allies instead of having to take down all the enemies myself all the goddamn time. Sp doesn't grow on trees!
Seriously though does anyone talk about that female npc thirsting after Mitsuru or? I wanna read fanfic about that. It's the closest we get to gay rep in this game and I want to milk it as much as possible
I get that Bebé randomly saying things in Japanese in the localisation is supposed to communicate that he's speaking broken Japanese, but it's definitely confusing, since in my head I'm always aware the characters are actually speaking Japanese.
The same problem appeared with Mitsuru, so they just had her speak French instead of English in the localisation.
It's like the localisation for Bebé decided "no, these actual Japanese characters are all speaking English and it's just this weirdo who says things in Japanese"???
Can't believe I actually spent 40,000„ to befriend shady Tanaka. I mean he's no Chihaya level of money grubbing but he's so obviously creepy that it felt so much more like selling my soul to him
Now it's just Mitsuru, Yukari, Fuuka, whoever the star is, Aigis and Striped Shirt left to start social links with.
Unlike p5 there's a fair few of these guys I straight up dislike so far. I would quite like to kick that creep Kenji in the ass
Maya just said "Roflcopter" damn this game really IS set in 2009
Aw man Yukari accusing Junpei of being jealous is so funny. The hypocrisy jumped out girl! Maybe cool your big jealous hard on for Mitsuru before you go around accusing other people of the same shit 😂
Emo jesus has a really long neck
Welp, block 3 is kicking my ass
It's always right before the boss floor where I could save my progress and restore my health and sp that my stupid ass gets merced. It was just me and Mitsuru against a bunch of those fucking agilao slinging tables and my dumb ass equipped a person that was weak to fire 😔
Did Akihiko just do a transphobia? Boy I don't care if she has a lil stubble she was gonna gee me the goods and you scared her off by outing her. Uncool man, uncool.
I've only just met Aigis but I would 100% die for her
"first a robot can use a persona, and now a dog can? What's next, a monkey?"
Junpei you can already use a persona what are you talking about
Telling Ken I put hot sauce in my coffee brought me way too much joy.
Kids his age shouldn't have caffeine at night tho man I'm gonna dad him the fuck up. Boyo I'mma get your ass some decaf tea and you're gonna like it
Talking to Maya, she says she's a teacher and that she "goes for teenagers" oh fuck am I letting poor Makoto get groomed by a child predator? I think I am. Maybe I don't have to complete EVERY social link... 😅
Poisonous flowers, 1 in my garden & 3 in the opposite garden. I wonder if he means that literally or figuratively, like the 3 stregas and 1 of my friends are "poisonous" or does he mean that there's literally poisonous flowers growing in the dorm? It's hard to tell with this kid
Elizabeth is the absolute cutest. Best velvet room attendant hands down.
KOROMARU has an evoker for DOGS. He is so cute with his little wings and his little special collar I love him so much 😍😭😍😭😍💕
Did Tanaka just ask Makoto to model for an ad campaign in his undies? Excuse me he's a MINOR?
Why are so many of the adult social links so predatory in this game I thought persona 5 was bad
And Ken joins the gang. He's goin through some shit and I wanna support him.
Aw hell yeah I'm already max stats? Sick, now I can do whatever I want weeee
Junpei and chidori are adorable oml. The only straights who have rights
Chidori hiding in the bushes I KNOW THAT VOICE GURL
Shinjiro: "I can't believe he's into a girl now"
see I assumed he's into Akihiko a lil bit but idk do I detect a hint of jealousy?
Favourite social links so far:
Kazushi, the old couple, Maiko, Mutatsu, Bebe, Keisuke and my favourite of all, the sick young man Akinari
"Tanaka seems to have strong feelings towards you" I NEED AN ADULT
No maiko don't run away from home wtf you're like 8 stop it
I'm trying to fuse black frost but I can't figure out how to get king frost fml. What Elizabeth quest do I need to do to get the king frost recipe?!?!
I just wanna make a cool persona is that so much to ask
So far I'm pretty settled on my dream team of Akihiko, Ken and Aigis. Yes that is 2 elec boys on 1 team and no I don't care that I have to pick up the slack for all other weaknesses. I have Ken mostly as a healer but he's more versatile in his attacks than yukari or mitsuru
Stand up comedian Makoto Yuki. I never could have predicted that one
Kenji is most definitely a bit unhinged
All the records so far have been hilarious but Aigis just made me go "AWEEEEEEE" baby đŸ„ș she's watching over him how precious I love her so much
Mitsuru definitely thought Fuuka was having ~alone time~. This game continues to kill me
(cw potential spoilers) i'm stressing tf out cuz I have a strong feeling that Ken won't be available for the next full moon boss and I don't have a strong enough healer to replace him with in my party. Mitsuru is only level 35 and Yukari is only level 30. This is gonna be rough.
Maybe I'll be the designated heal/buff bitch and I'll just bring a big damage dealer. But I doubt shinji will be available either so who does that leave?
Damn it, Ken is such a good all rounder tho 😭 2 types of magic, physical attacks and healing? The kid is so handy ahhh
I would bring Junpei but he's the most underleveled of all. No way he's surviving a boss that tough at level 25.
OK, Mitsuru will do. so I can focus my personas on damage and leave her to heal I guess
Lol I got all worked up for nothing that boss was hella easy
(cw spoilers)
Ken why was your mum in a crack den tho
It's fucking October somebody get this weirdo a shirt
It was spoiled for me that some shit would hit the fan on that date but FUCK ME
Akihiko 😭😭😭😭😭😭
I ugly cried, man. Its been a long time since a video game has made me do that
Casually searching every location for him. Come back I'm worried 💔
Yeah you TELL HIM Aki.
I wish there was more to do in the evenings. Now that I'm max stats AND I've maxed the devil link - I never know what to do on nights where mutatsu isn't available & Koromaru doesn't want a walk. I don't wanna do nothing but grind. Only having 5 things to do is a bit frustrating
"Did you see that shinji"
Upside to getting my ass whooped by demon horses - I get to watch the burn my dread titles from p3 vanilla again. That's some good shit right there
Well using succubus + incubus turned that hard fight into a piece of piss. I actually regret ditching Aigis for Koromaru now because she'd have been fine and could have gotten that juicy sp for herself but oh well
OK I beat that boss no trouble but Ken got knocked unconscious on the last turn and he has the lowest level in my party so guess who is reloading their save and doing it ALL OVER AGAIN
Yo wtf I've reached the top of tartarus? But it's only October the hell do we do for the rest of the game?
Koro-chan just let me WALK YOU
OK pretty sure Makoto's homeroom teacher is noncing after him. Big yikes.
Haha I tweeted that just as the link popped and the immediate message after that was "Makoto-kin will fall in love w/ me before the weekend <33333" this is so vile. Why does Atlus insist on putting this shit in every game
Haha I meant "kun" goddamn it I'm not a kinnie I swear
"What is the number one source of stress for women? Husbands, occupations, children or society?"
Fuuka being dramatic as fuck about her girlfriend moving away is honestly a mood
Dream team Akihiko, Ken and Aigis are now 25 levels above my next highest team members so I swear to FUCK nothing better happen that keeps them out of the fight in the endgame or I am FUCKED
Man I wish MY high school let the school nurse babble about magic whenever they needed a substitute teacher. Mr Edogawa has me feeling ENRICHED. thank you ya wonderful, bizarre man.
Fuuka is sooooo tiny she makes Makoto look tall I love it
Yo why is random unnamed lesbian telling me her violent fantasies?

Why must we gays be demonised so?
For some reason I feel compelled to read Aigis' lines out loud in an impression of her voice
Ken saying he wants to make Shinji proud đŸ„ș😍😭đŸ„ș😍😭 my heart can't take it he's so cute
Interesting. One of the teachers had a line about how some people lack the enzymes to properly digest alcohol, and advised the students to wait until they are 21 before they try and find out if THEY are intolerant to alcohol.
The legal drinking age in Japan is 20, not 21. Weird.
I'm assuming they changed it to better fit American cultural standards, but I wish they hadn't. It spreads misinformation about Japanese culture - just like this confusing "sophomore, junior, senior" thing they're trying to do instead of just saying 1st, 2nd or 3rd year.
Maybe it's just me coming from a country where we have a vastly different system from the us, with 7 years of primary schooling, with grades named P1-P7, and 6 years of secondary referred to as S1-S6, but I find the freshman, sophomore etc thing much more confusing.
Like, Japanese students only attend high school for 3 years, not 4, so why are the first years called sophomores in the English version? Sophomore means second, no? Ughhh I hate it
Sorry I'm being massively pedantic but I find this kind of pandering breaks my immersion so much.
I nitpick the things I love, its just what I do.
I miss the persona 5 fusion calculator. It helped take the guesswork out of making good personas. I don't want to spend a small fortune on personas when the results are going to still leave me with no bufu skills lol
Damn, St***a really went down like a couple of little bitches. I know we out number them but even so, I thought they'd at least put up some sort of fight.
There's no way that's the final boss that was way too quick and easy
Junpei said the thing
Why is Mitsuru's bourgeoisie pirate papa hot tho? Is it the eye patch? I think it's the eye patch
Fuck I'm craving sushi at 2am 😭 damn you game
Welp, things took a turn.
Papa takeba got me tearing up
I wonder if the reason Akihiko always has a plaster on his face is because the trophies on the shelf above his bed fall off and bonk him
Aw sweet ryoji from the intro! I finally get to find out what the hell his deal is. I'm guessing he's important. Is he Makoto's boyfriend? Rival? Rival boyfriend? I guess we shall see.
With a scarf that fabulous I naturally like him already
Ooh, Aigis says this guy has nasty vibes. Now I'm VERT intrigued. I trust my girl's judgement but what if he's some akechi type? That just makes me want to get to know him more

Also get in your seat and stop bothering her ryoji omg
If Junpei gets a girlfriend that starts off in animosity is this them setting up a boyfriend for Aigis? I hope not, I wanna wife her!
I don't know how else to describe it, but Ryoji has a handsome voice??? Idk he just sounds like how I imagine a handsome person sounds.
Oh my god ryoji now is NOT the time for hoeing I SWEAR if you don't get your ass off that roof and give that poor woman her space I will jump into the game and throw you off it myself
He is absolutely SHAMELESS way to make a girl feel like second best jesus christ boy keep it in your pants for 5 seconds

Maybe this was why Aigis thought his vibes were rancid

And yet I still really like him. Darn you, you charismatic hornball
Akihiko is such a sweet boy. What a good egg.
I wish the game would let me sit and chill with the boys. They all (minus Koromaru) seem hella stressed today for some reasom
Oh my god he is too cute. And he has a pet hamster! I wonder what it's name is
Oh my god does this lactose intolerant child torture himself with milk in hopes it will make him taller that is too fucking cute
Oh my god within seconds of ending a battle with one shadow another one fucked me from behind I fucking jumped oot ma skin this game is killing me
Damn Yukari has a serious violent streak. She's slapped like 3 people, stood on Ryojis toes...girl needs anger management classes 😂 her friggin senpai too, she's got balls of steel man.
Why is Junpei wearing a hat in the bath
Omg I love how Akihiko was completely calm until he realised Mitsuru was there too.
It'll be OK bb I will protect you
OK maybe I completely walked directly into Aigis trying to avoid Fuuka and Yukari oopsie doopsie
Aigis with her robot bits out in full glory in front of ryoji 👀
OK I'm gonna reload and try not to get caught this time
Ken kept begging for a souvenir so I got him one. He is so cute, I'm officially adopting him.
Why did Fuuka assume the noise they heard in the hot springs was MONKEYS? Why would there be monkeys in the hotel? Gurl you ok
Ken I would LOVE to watch Featherman with you are you kidding? Sign me tf up
Akechi's persona? But pretty?
Fuck Akinari has made me cry

Side characters should not be this powerful
Damn Chidori just snatched the whole team's wigs unprovoked
Wow what a whimp. It literally only took 1 turn to beat her 😂
Did they really just? JUNPEI! Nooooooo
This game is torturing me that's so cute but Junpei..... AHHHHH what's happenign
Oh thank fuck
Spoke too soon now I'm crying again fuck you game
"she entrusted you with this life! Don't waste it" damn that shit hits hard
I really dislike Nozomi
Aw Akihiko's reaction to finding out Mitsuru was getting hit on by ryoji is precious. Can't tell is he's got a crush on her or if he's more like a concerned little brother but either way it's precious
Aigis stop you're breaking my heart you're alive dammit stop that
You're special to me too Aigis please be my wife
Aigis what are you planning I'm worried please don't do something stupid?????
Did I really just bang Elizabeth only for her to immediately dump me? Was it THAT bad? Lizzy I'm sorry
Not sure why protein was Akihiko's flanderised obsession in later games when he only mentions protein like once in p3 and it was shinji who brought it up? The dude literally never shuts up about how important his training schedule is and THAT'S what they decided to go with? Wack.
Aw fuck I wanna go to tartarus but Aigis isn't here and I have no idea when she'll be back. My closest approximation for her role in my party would be Junpei I guess??? but he's 30 levels behind Akihiko and Ken rip
Googled it she doesn't come back till the 30th so I'm gonna be basically a man down in my training fucking pray for me
"can't believe you had a dude inside you for 10 years. That's pretty gay, bro"
Fuck, I think I'm gonna get all the platonic social links finished in good time but there's no way in hell I can get Yuko, Yukari, Fuuka, Mitsuru and presumably eventually Aigis to love me before the end of the game if I'm only allowed to hang out with one at once
I already maxed Chihiro.

Fucking Yuko is being a pain in the ass I am STILL stuck on rank 8 with her she just will NOT budge I have taken her out every Saturday for 2 months and she will just NOT rank up what am I doing wrong
And yes, I have Kali with me so it's not that.
Aigis is back Aigis is back AIGIS IS BACK!!!!

Good god girl I missed you so much you had me so worried
Aigis don't you're gonna make me cry again
Oh my god this scene with Ken, Akihiko and Koromaru is so cute I'm going to die

How can people hate this child he's a precious angel and I will defend him with my life
Junpei just got busted 😂 boi don't lie to Akihiko
Aigis: where is... MY compliment, Jenpei?
Oooh, the new dorm music fucking POPS
Damn you winter vacation, forcing me to hang out with Nozomi. Uncool
Wait wtf is Nozomi in that weird cult that appeared out of fucking nowhere
Aigis is so soft and cute now I wanna wrap her in blankets and kiss her forehead is that weird
I've noticed that Makoto has the option to rag on capitalism a LOT towards the end of the game. I knew there was a reason I like him so much
Also I'm still thinking about how baby mad Yuko was. Like she seems the type to poke holes in condoms kind of baby mad. I'm thinking 👀
Currently just standing around floor 2 waiting for the reaper to show up cuz I wanna see if we're strong enough to beat him yet or if we need to grind some more 😮 thought he'd be here by now
FUCK YEAH I defeated the reaper on my first attempt at level 72! Hellllll yeah
An old lady with a fever and who has trouble breathing just collapsed in Keisuke's social link. 2009 corona? Aw shit
Something tells me Makoto isn't cut out to be a doctor
Keisuke please don't give Makoto shared credit for saving the old man, he literally just stood there and subjected the poor old bugger to mild torture instead of helping
I am utterly convinced that Mitsuru and Yukari are in love with each other
Every time I fire up this game I always watch the op. Doesn't matter than its mostly just a generic gameplay trailer visually - that song is a fucking BANGER
Lotus juice 😍😍😍😍😍
Trying to think strategically about Nyx.
She cycles through the arcanas and lovers is a pain in the ass because they all spam charm spells so I'm gonna need a strong persona that resists charm to whip out during that part of the fight.
Beyond that I have no idea what to expect
I should probably use a persona like abaddon to deal with her when she is in arcanas like Chariot and strength since they prioritise phys attacks. So he's a keeper for that one.
I think Susano-o will also be a big help since he repels fire, nulls pierce and is strong against elec and wind AND he knows tetrakarn and rebellion, the latter of which will be really helpful during any phase in which she spams phys attacks.
Just wish I could easily look up personas that resist charm 😔
Okay so I have Raphael to null charm. I'm still worried that since all 3 of my party members know Diarahan that them getting charmed could mean disaster for me, but at least I know I can be safe to quickly dis-charm them. I'll stock up on dis-charms.
I really shouldn't have blown through so many homonculuses fighting the reaper. If Nyx pulls out dark and light attacks I'm fucked. Most of my personas are weak to that.
Well if I get Seth up a couple more levels he'll learn repel light so I will deffo need him!
And Ganesha for power charge and mind charge. I think that's my gang?
Raphael, Ganesha, Susano-o, Seth, Abaddon and probably Loki
I gotta say again, persona 3 is a LOT harder than persona 5. I can't just have my whole party spamming healing spells and feeding me beans while I spam hassou tobi 😔 I can't control my party members and Yoshitsune isn't even available. I need to think a lot harder.
Oh no my relationship with Fuuka reversed! Shit I don't have time to fix it either cuz I need to get Aigis maxed by the end because she's best girl and I have other s links to worry about that take priority because they're closer to max FUUUUUCK
Just used vorpal blade on two shadows who repel slash and fucking instakilled myself đŸ€ĄđŸ€ĄđŸ€ĄđŸ€Ą
I am so fucked I only have 1 homunculus left and I have to fight Nyx in 6 in game days AHHHHHHHH
Aigis is straight up confessing her love for Makoto and stressing out that she doesn't have 😏 human parts 😏 but the game won't let me say "I doesn't matter I love you too" actually end meeeeeee I love her so much we can work through it togetherrrrr
I'm not sure if that was a hug or a kiss or what but I'm glad it happened cuz Aigis is best girl
Aw Ken wants to drink coffee with Makoto when he's old enough to like it black baby I'm so sorry
Time well spent they are all so cute
And now I'm crying, thanks Aigis.
So after all that buildup Nyx was actually pretty easy. Go figure
Pain pain pain pain pain you know them stop it 😓
So I finished the game.

I knew this was going to be the ending going into it, but it hit so much harder to actually experience it.
Now playing the answer. The cuts ene of my faves fighting each other in the opening is already really upsetting NOOOO
Why does Igor keep saying "Velvet Womb" does he always have a speech inpediment that I just didn't notice or is it exclusive to The Answer?
Why is yukari being such a fuckin bitch now? Gurl? Excuse me was that tone necessary?
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