1) ‘ #Feminism’ needs an overhaul.

If the world ‘doesn’t end’ this fall, & somehow God spares us once again, I hope the ‘idea’ of ‘feminism’ takes a 4th wave.

One that says:
•the unborn matter- a woman that cares is a warrior, NOT a ‘traitor’
•taking care of a family, if that’s your DESIRE instead of a ‘career’, & you’re able to have the rare GIFT of this option, makes you no less of a ‘woman.’ Ensuring your children are educated, motivated, & your husband is supported isn’t a degree you can earn, it’s that hard.
•My dad is revered & adored at his work. Yet he chose to be home everyday by 5:30 for his family, instead of his career. My mother prays for her adult children every morning, & my dad fasts for us weekly. It’s a #spiritualwar field out there, & they’ve never stopped battling
•What would our world be like if people, like myself, hadn’t believed the easy, & deceptively destructive, lie of ‘their’ definition of #feminism for so long?
•Fight for your family. Fight for your children. Your kids might not realize it until later like I did, but that middle matters. That middle is where the fight is, bc that middle is where other ppl think it’s easy.
What a merciful Christ I serve, & what an incredible
blessing it was to be raised in a home with parents that sparred for me, and still do, in the reality we see & the #spiritualwar we don’t.

Women that devote their lives to their family instead of their whims are the real #feminist fighters.
#FeminismRedefined #butGod
•Our ‘culture’ redefined what family strength was bc they knew that’s where strength, character, & conviction are shaped. It’s time to fight for the true meaning of a #feminist, & celebrate the gifts God has given women.

“I can do anything a man can” was a poisonous mantra, meant to distract us from the incredibly beautiful, & unique, characteristics that women possess that men don’t. They convinced us it was a ‘competition’ instead of a ‘partnership’ to destroy the God given strong foundation
(If you want to follow a woman that grasps the fight, I’d suggest @andreamoede. No, that’s not me, I’m just lucky enough to know her)
You can follow @SaphireSlice.
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