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@Josiexfruit you're nice so probably no reason to fight you but you also kinda look like me so if we did fight it would likely throw me off bc I can't hit myself so I'd probably lose
@BadPostsLLC 100% I would die, so whether or not I want to fight you would depend on whether or not I have a death wish at the time
@HiddenMonth no idea how the fight would end if there was one but youre too sweet to fight, I couldn't do it, pluse youre also too cool, so I'd probably just wanna hang.
@toonophiliac you seem nice so probably wouldn't fight but I might be able to take ya
@abrokentweeter I would avoid fighting you bc I cant see you doing anything to deserve it but if forced i may be able to eek out victorious but maybe not
@DysphoriaQueen you're prof pic alone with the hatchet is intimidating enough to make me think I'd lose, but I'd give it a shot
@AshMatica very new mutual so its a wild card, could go any way
More people liking than I expected lol, so I may not be able to give descriptions/reasons for everyone without it getting to repetative,
@AstroTira I can't imagine a reason I'd want to fight you but I would lose if it came to it
@melstonemusic too cool to fight, I'd never

I might still win if so, idk why
@_dangerousbeans like I said last time I did something similar to this: you're Australian and make knives I wouldn't stand a chance

Plus you'd probably tag tag team me with Voss, which means I'm hopeless
@ComradCapacitor I don't think I'd fight you but I think you may be one of the few mutuals who is shorter than me so I could take you
@packowinstons it'd be fun to fight I think but once it got serious you'd probably pull out a win
@RainicornMax your avi is flexing at me which simeotaneously is egging me on and also letting me know I have no chance
@ButchPuppy this one could go either way tbh which means I'm curious to try and see what happens
Im about to watch anime with the gf. Will get back to this in a bit
@captntoaster maybe I'm getting bolder as this thread goes on, but I think I can take you
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