I'm out in the Portland suburbs, where hundreds of Trump supporters are gathering for an event. They say they will be driving into Portland later tonight.
A crowd has surrounded some Black Lives Matter advocates. The crowd is chanting "All Lives Matter"
The event hasn't officially begun, but it's already tense. A Trump supporter just pulled off his coat, ready to fight.
Someone used pepper spray
Some of the BLM crowd is leaving. The Trump crowd is following them.
Organizers encouraged concealed carry to the event, but some are open carrying
With the usual caveat that I'm terrible at crowd estimates, I'd say about 1,000 people are here throughout the parking lot right now and maybe like 1 million flags.

The current plan is to drive into Portland as a huge caravan at 6 p.m.
Someone dressed in black bloc de-escalates a tense scene
The caravan is headed out, but there is still some tension at the starting area. Some spitting and a guy menacing people with a baseball bat
The caravan route has been closely guarded for "security reasons," but they have released it now. Looks like it isn't actually going into downtown Portland. It's staying on highways.
It appears there are some people spotting on the rooftop across the street
The caravan is driving into Portland. A lot of people riding in the back of pickup trucks. Police are focused on keeping protesters off the roadway so the caravan can continue.
Some of the caravan is headed right into downtown. Some protesters yelling from the sidewalks.
Conversations in downtown Portland
Drivers going west all have Trump flags. Drivers going north are flipping them all off.
This isn't the official route of the Trump rally, but there is still an endless stream of Trump vehicles coming in to downtown Portland.
Some fighting in the street
A bike is underneath a vehicle. Not sure what happened. A cyclist is speaking with police now.
Clashes. Trump people unload paintballs and pepper spray. They shot me too.
More paintballs
More conflict
Police arrive
Police make an arrest
On 3rd Ave, police say there was live gunfire and there is a victim. Unsure what transpired.
These two people started fighting and then decided they were friends or something
WARNING: Graphic images here, and I'm only including some lower-res images in the tweet.

@SmileItsNathan was on scene when the fatal Portland shooting happened. Here are some images. More in the link and (warning again) they are higher resolution there.

Portland police say they made 10 arrests tonight.

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