how to use the idea of cue + convenience = consumption OR convenience and resistance for weightloss

- creation of less resistance + more resistance
within your home there are many methods you can put in place to reduce consumption of junk food

this particular thread takes influence from how google made very small changes to significantly decrease the calorie consumption of its employees
our environment heavily influences our behavior whether we like it or not. generally people will choose the option that is most convenient or with the least resistance. this concept heavily applies with our food + beverage choices and calorie consumption.
cue + convenience = consumption

nobody can completely rely on will power for weightloss. DO NOT make it about will power and choices. optimize your environment to encourage the direction of your goal
you have to encourage the consumption of low calorie food and discourage the consumption of high calorie options

here are ways you can do that:
make high calorie options more difficult to reach:
- high up shelves, very low shelves
- store behind other objects
remove visual cue/remove from line of sight:
- avoid see-through containers for junk
- dont leave junk out on any counter space
- remove from the front section of cupboards/fridges.
make low calorie options more attractive:
- meal prep or just have some low calorie snacks always available
- easy access to water, diet soda, tea, etc
- put on counter space
- put in the front section of cupboards/fridge
- see through containers
- medium height on shelves
those are just some ideas
anything that will remove cues for high calorie food or create them for low calorie options will be effective.
loosely related suggestion
if you are going grocery shopping and you are forced to pick a pack of cookies or cereal. or even at a restaurant with family
do not pick your favorite option! pick one you either dislike or are indifferent to. easier to eat less!
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