Hey Little @marcorubio why is it you rejected letting Oleg Deripaska testify? Is @MarkWarner leading you around by you ear like a child.

Was Deripaska going to blow your whole bullshit propaganda report y'all just published out of the water?

Truth is coming & it's not good 4U
Why is it that the SSCI made the same grave errors the Mueller Report made? Paul Singer is going to be the end of your career and you'll be back to hustling pro bono traffic court, and chasing the Cuban TS Escorts in South Miami. It's a long way to the bottom Little Marco
Does the Mrs know you like getting pegged by the shemales in South Beach?

You know those Casino families still own your ass, all those dark money contributions are on paper, and you lied to the FBI multiple times about it.
You think we've all forgotten your little dope house at 1484 Bent Willow Drive and your relationship to David Rivera? As Senile Joe says "Come On Man".

Viviana Bovo kept a journal.... very sloppy man
How about that cool million you got from from the Havenick family, you know those mobbed up folks with the crooked dog track betting, whose roots trace back to Meyer Lansky? Come on Marco you think we are all senile like Joe?
Washing money through a cutout like Millennium Marketing doesn't change the fact that you're owned and compromised. Guess what @realDonaldTrump knows you're dirty, and so does the FDLE. Those case files still exist. @PamBondi knows too, I just wonder what's buying her silence?
You know the Seminoles are still pissed about all that money you took under the table and then went back on your word to save face with the FBI. Alan Mendelsohn, subsequent indictment wasn't good for you. That amount $1.5 million from Joel Steinger too is ugly.
Steinger's $1.2 billion Ponzi scheme that targeted all those elderly in South Florida retirees and members of the LGBTQ community, isn't a good look for you since you took your cut to pay off family debts.
According to the DEA Steinger's Mutual Benefits Corp also helped the South American drug cartel launder money, tisk tisk tisk Little marco....

Mendelsohn funneled all that money to you through the Ophthalmology PAC, those files still exist Little Marco
In April of 2004, both Rubio and Rivera voted for legislation that exempted Steinger’s Mutual Benefits Corp. from regulation. In May of 2004, the SEC ordered the emergency shutdown of Steinger’s firm. 🤔🤔🤔
Rubio and Rivera each got $50,000 cash, from Ophthalmology PAC, that's right cash. Little Marco received his payout from Mendelsohn in December of 2003 through a PAC he set up called Floridians for Conservative Leadership.🤔🤔🤔
Little Marco Rubio siphoned that money off to his wife, sister and nephews supposedly to cover the costs of meals and lodging that were allegedly campaign-related. Yeah really "Come on Man!" ~ Senile Joe
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