I know public housing is designed to kill its residents because I have an asthma flare up from staying at home all these months.

I live in a house that’s older and is decently ventilated.

I haven’t had problems with asthma since middle school and had my first flare up in my
Senior year or college staying a a dorm room.

Now if you’ve dormed you know all the buildings have lots of dust and asbestos.

While my house doesn’t have asbestos it does have dust and if I don’t vacuum frequently enough I can’t breathe properly

So just imagine living in a
Building that isn’t taken care of, lead paint, improper ventilation, hot and stuffy...

Your health now suffers because of your income class and you cannot afford proper doctors visits, medication to keep it in check or even get properly diagnosed

Look up “allergic asthma”
Please understand the effects of environmental racism. It can effect you right here in the greatest city in the world

Learn your body and pay close attention to your health

Do your own research on your symptoms and take preventative measures even if nothing is wrong yet 🤍
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