The other day I noted that harm reduction arguments only work if “incrementalist” progress is happening in the direction that we want it to happen in; And that you can’t use a harm reduction argument if the incrementalism is shifting right vs towards progress
This is because at some point, you’re not actively engaged in harm reduction, but in legitimising existing harm and expanding the space for which new kinds of harm can continue.

[incoming: my thoughts about the 2020 election and “accelerationist” arguments]
There is no denying that right-wing populism and ideologies are violently dangerous. There is also no denying that neoliberalism— in its support of poverty, exploitation, and austerity towards the majority of people, incentivises and legitmizes right wing ideologies and movements
In a US 2020 election, you have a party that fully embraces right-wing ideologies, right populism, right movements— all of which celebrates the the deaths, kidnappings, and imprisonments that flow from said ideologies
On the other side, you have a party that also fully legitimises right-wing ideologies, populism, and movements— which they identify as uniquely “American”— because they have no plan (or want) to address the failings of a system that supports mass exploitation and death
Those are the options that y’all make space for.

In addition, given the tendency of the other corporate party which people claim to “be better,” to actively legitimise right-wing ideologies, the media in the US follows suite.
The media here, is not an educational— or even factual— force/source.

Their failings also actively contribute to the legitimisation of the situation spelled out above— but most importantly, their failings are why “accelerationist” arguments don’t/can’t work here.
In the US, people are regularly misinformed— their anger easily directed (and redirected at) in/to the wrong places and groups of people.

There won’t be a “mass awakening” and no mass groundwork has been done for that.
For a 2020 election, this 100% means that no matter who wins, the only guarantee is that people will continue to be misinformed, continue to suffer, and the parameters for both of these things will continue to widen in a right moving direction.
Both corporate parties are invested in suppressing protests, in misinforming the masses, in death, in kidnappings and imprisonments.

People talk about an empire in decline, and still use “harm reduction” arguments as if circumstances of the past are the same in the present
Lack of *MASS* movement building, organizing, and educational campaigns to counter the worst of US corporate forces are weak.

It would be amazing if ideologies seen on (US) Twitter was evenly distributed amongst the general population,— but that’s just not the reality
The situation is really a lose-lose one. There isn’t even a slight win anywhere
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