I just wanna post a quick rant. I really hate modern work ethic culture. Everybody knows stories like "he works 16h a day, he hasn't left his room in weeks, he didn't see the sun in 8 years". It's popular to glorify extreme work ethic, but i find that harmfull to everybody.
Algoritms on the internet all prefer frequent posters, so i get it. But the thing is, nothing is worth your life and health, an no sane person should sacrifice that for clout. The reality is that most people who work a lot, just like working. But you shoudn't force yourself.
I draw for a living, 80% of my day is drawing. But i don't see that as EPIC 14H ROUTINE REVEAL | PRO SECRETS. Nah, i work just as much as anyone, i just doodle in the evening cause id be bored otherwise. But even i can't relax when i take a break cause of the toxic work culture.
People glorify extreme work ethic, but there's nothing wrong with going for a beer, spending an afternoon relaxing, just taking it easy. We all have our own lives, obstacles, and problems and there's no shame in that. Just have fun, take it easy, and go at your own pace.
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