Women may be chaotic, but men are extreme. For women, generally speaking, inhabit a predictable range of chaos on a day to day basis. Men are more solid, less variable and more orderly.

Until they're not

Push a man past "fuck it" and he'll rain down chaos like a demonic maniac.
This is why it is, generally speaking, within your interest not to abuse his reason, kindness, or patience.

Even if you feel comfortable, and especially if you've never seen him at his worst.

For man is a creature of supreme dignity & flirting with that dignity is a deathwish.
A rather small degree of gratitude & respect is all it takes to keep man fairly civilised. He does not require inordinate amounts of compassion & understanding, for his lack of womanliness renders him emotionally low maintenance.

Appreciate his civility, respect his savageness.
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