If you need someone's sex appeal to start liking leftism you were never someone who believed in leftist ideals to begin with sorry.
Stop trying to say that women can convert men to leftism by being hot or whatever it's just re-capitulating really misogynist attitudes about women's bodies and agency
every time i see a take like this i want to scream. it's demeaning and offensive. And even for the few women who are okay with it, it's not like these attitudes stop with just them. It's just "sex sells" but for leftism. go away
I have no problem with sex work that people do with their own consent and agency. I'm saying here that framing people's bodies as a form of political messaging is fucked up.
I might take this thread to my main and just welcome any accusations of jealousy or whatever but I'm tired of ~totally not misogynist~ leftist dudes saying shit like this.
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