After seeing a new spate of "Biden winning will mean the death of progressive politics," I would like to point out that Biden winning means someone at the steering wheel who will pump the brakes and turn us away from the cliff above a lake full of radioactive crocodiles.
Yes, the road is in terrible condition, and the car we're in is a wreck, and we're not sure about the destination, but I would rather stop from going over the cliff and being eaten alive by cancer and/or crocodiles.
We are voting for our opponent in negotiations. One of them will make a weak attempt to negotiate, and the other wants to set you, your children, and everyone else on fire.

I would rather vote for the former and catapult the latter into the stellar void, thanks.
Please talk to me about the purity of your commitment to The Struggle after we've stopped the fanatics who want to murder us all. We can do that through elections. I know it's not a sexy revolution, but it also might mean fewer people die in the process.
We must replace the structures that propagate all of our crises. You know what one of the structural implementations of white supremacy is? Voter suppression. It's not sexy, but it is vital this year. Maybe organize to overturn that first? 
"But Biden is one of the people responsible for the shitty road conditions and the fact that we're in a car in the first place!"

I agree. However, it's hard to fix the road and change the vehicle when we're driving at 100 mph and held at gunpoint by a maniac driver.
"Well, fine! I just won't vote!"

That means leaping out of the car, which, again, is going 100 mph. That also means everyone else in the car is going to die once it goes over the cliff into Radioactive Crocodile Canyon. Great solidarity there, comrade.
This year sucks. Hell, probably every political shift in my lifetime has sucked, but we can make it suck less if we organize and throw this third-rate crime family out of power and start winning more elections. But we gotta win this one first.
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