Honestly, and this is just from my convos with people from all walks of life, Iā€™ve found that most people usually arenā€™t mad at us for serving and loving God. What angers them is the fact that most of us they come across, donā€™t mirror the love of God at all. https://twitter.com/prettigurlzpray/status/1299204812534407168
Most of us have all the scriptures memorized, know all the Christianese in the world but weā€™re so nasty and rude to folks...and use scripture (most of the time outta context but Iā€™ll get to that later) to alienate ppl instead of draw them in.
Iā€™m...not a big fan of most Christians either imma be honest. I legit donā€™t like most of yal because of the attitude that yal take. Whereā€™s the love in that?
Hereā€™s the thing. You donā€™t have to compromise the gospel in order to win ppl but a lot of yal donā€™t even know how to have simple conversations with folks and I really need us to think about what thatā€™s doin to our witness.
In the last 11 years Iā€™ve been preaching Iā€™ve heard, from ppl on all sides of the spectrum that Iā€™m not like other preacherā€™s theyā€™ve come across and that makes me sad because I shouldnā€™t be some anomaly. This should be commonplace for any professing believer.
So. Yeah. Folks side eye Christianity for a lot of reasons but I really need us as the body to be honest about the fact that we, Christā€™s representatives, have played a part in that side eying as well. Itā€™s a lot of work for us to do.
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