When I worked for the FL Dept. of Health, I worked Disease Control & covered Refugee Health from time to time. These patients were political prisoners, ppl who spoke up against their govt & was targeted, folks whose whole families were murdered as they ran for their lives
or people whose government just decided they didn't like or want them around anymore for whatever reason decided they'd just start killing people. These patients were from all over the world, Middle East, Africa, Europe even Cuba. I was responsible for assessments, vaccinations,
referrals, often referrals to mental health. I'll never forget this patient who was a woman from Iraq. Her whole family had been slaughtered. She was accompanied by a social worker/translator. During my assessment, her facial expressions unnerved me. I went straight for her
mental status. She was hearing voices, telling her to harm herself & lots of other things. She was having a psychotic break right there in the clinic. We had to call police and have this patient taken to our nearest hospital by escort under FL's Baker Act.
I say this so people can understand fascism, genocide, ethnic cleansing can happen anywhere including here under Trump and if you believe this too act like it and fight like hell to elect Biden/Harris.
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