I normally wouldn’t post something from a semi-public list but I’m not in academia and I think these men should have to answer for the way in which they speak about their female colleagues of color (whose names have been redacted)

Your turn @DrWilliamProct1 and @henryjenkins
Just read through some tweets where the "lawn mower" describes being up at 2 in the morning to carefully compose an email to these men about their project

I can only imagine how she'll feel reading the way in which they spoke about her. Whew, I am STEAMED
Just going to tack this on here to keep it all in one place. Very interested to hear what the MacArthur Foundation-funded scholar @henryjenkins has to say, if anything. Best of luck to him on his "Black Comics Matter" project https://twitter.com/shallowbrigade/status/1299819277768372224
Just fyi this thread describes another thing that happened on the same listserv a few weeks ago

I don’t really read this thing? who knows what all I’ve missed https://twitter.com/shallowbrigade/status/1291797231872466946
I mention this because shortly after this, a guy went bananas, sent maybe 10 hugely sexist racist emails in response

...and then the “growing learning” academic jumped in and was like “lol - can’t say I agree with my friend here...anyway PLEASE buy my book”
That guy (who I don’t particularly want to tag, thx) was Charles Hatfield: comix study bigwig who challenged me on here once, when I was critiquing a book by Marc Singer
Hatfield dismissed me for “making it about identity,” as I remember it. And when Marc Singer was interviewed about the book, he blew it off as well

I sold Singer’s book harder than his own publisher, who - by the way - had refused to give me a review copy
I bring this up because I think that listserv will likely be shut down -

But the problem isn’t the listserv. The listserv just reflects what’s already there, and that is a field of white men who cannot countenance a critique, even a friendly one
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