Imagine elon musk as the most incompetent bond villain.

He's like "no mr bond, expect to die from my CYBORG BOARS" as a hatch opens

5 potbellied piglets come bumbling in, each wearing what is obviously a recycled nintendo power glove
"UNLEASH THE MACHINE GOD," he shouts at a henchman, who presses a big red button.

Literally Siri's voice booms out "I'm sorry, I couldn't understand that."
He monologues at a captured Bond about his world domination scheme, involving a moon base and lasers and all kinds of scifi stuff. Shows Bond a powerpoint presentation.

Turns out, all he's actually built was that presentation and a cheap drone with a laser pointer duct-taped on
"Mr Bond, my army of genetically engineered resurrected dinosaurs will now take over the world, starting with you."

A hatch opens. A single duck waddles in, wearing a cheap pokemon costume designed for dogs and that doesn't fit it right
"Mr Bond, I have taken the liberty of implanting the chip in your brain while you were asleep."

Bond feels his head. Duct-taped to the side of his head is a wii remote.
"Mr Bond, any last words?"

Bond: I'm honestly not sure what you are even trying to accomplish here. What is this dog supposed to be doing?

Musk: it's not a dog, Mr Bond. It is a HOLOGRAM!

Bond: pretty sure your hologram just peed on the floor

"Mr Bond, in my hands I hold the key to immortality. A serum which-"

Bond: you're holding an energy drink

Musk: not an energy drink, Mr Bond, but the cure for death, it-

Bond: it's a 4 loko

Musk: no it's not
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