I did a little bit of research on the white author of the pro-looting book featured on NPR. Their dad teaches at MIT. They graduated from Cornell. But they claim to be speaking in favor of the working class, for minorities, who are having their neighborhoods torched.
NPR is a taxpayer-funded service. If they're going to promote violent criminal behavior from an elite who will never face any of it, they should at least ask adversarial questions during the interview, not this:
"The outside agitator myth" https://twitter.com/ZaidJilani/status/1299777989467672581
How about stop promoting violence because you're bored and rich and start doing something with all your amassed opportunity to help people?
Any idiot can destroy something, Osama Bin Laden destroyed a bunch of stuff but he didn't improve the world. Building things is hard, helping people is hard, anyone can just go torch someone's entire livelihood or beat someone up and say well I was frustrated.
Why pay 21 dollars for the book? Shouldn't you just steal it?
Look at the people who run the publishing company that published this book in the first place. Compare them to the immigrants and working people whose livelihoods were burned to a crisp or who were assaulted defending what little they have.
The thing is none of these folks actually have a business that delivers tangible goods to people. They can do their jobs from anywhere with a laptop or their smartphone or daddy's intergenerational wealth. So they don't understand its value to other people.
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