Alright, imma give ALW credit for one thing that his contemporaries fail at.

He desperately tries to show respect to the new kids and he hat they bring to the table— and doesn’t spit on it because it’s new. Sure it’s cringe, sure he often misunderstands the content, but he...
... embraces what the kids are into without judgement or disdain. As much as I love Sondheim, he got unreasonably high and mighty when Lady Gaga sang a Sound of Music tribute at the Oscars. And we don’t even need to bring up JRB’s terrible tone deaf response to this very song...
While ALW does feel very, “How are you fellow kids?” — at least he’s the old generation trying to engage with the new instead of falling completely off the map.

But ALW sucks for other reasons so this whole thread is pointless!

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