Already watched Black Panther last night, and decided to just rewatch the entire MCU now. Below is the order @NattyfBabyy @stephb0814 and I came up with. Gonna live tweet the entire thing and thread it here. Feel free to unfollow me now lol.
We thought about doing it chronologically, with Cap 1 first, but you gotta start with IM1... the one that started it all, with a post-credits scene that set the stage.
The sexual tension between Pepper and Tony in IM1 is so palpable. Glad I don’t have to wait long for consummation. “Extra olives” 😂
I’ve based my entire bald look on Jeff Bridges’s Obediah Stane. When my beard goes gray it’s gonna be super strong.

Where do you think he ranks in the pantheon of Marvel villains? Gonna do a ranking at some point during all this for sure.
What a time capsule movie in IM1.. you forget it was 12 years ago.

Bush-era Middle East conflict. Flip phones. A transphobic joke.

Feels like a lifetime has passed.
Omg this guy makes his return later on in Spider-Man: Far From Home!!! 😂 What a come up for him.
The unfulfilled “Next Time, Baby” from Terrence Howard! 😂 Didn’t return, replaced by Don Cheadle in IM2.

Contract prob: paid > than Downey IM1, then in IM2 RDJ 🤑⬆️ TH 🥴👎.

He woulda been good too, they had great chemistry. But I also love Cheadle.
2 things on IM1’s ending:

1. Ditching the secret identity was so bold at the time, considering Spider-Man/Batman/Superman movies before it.

2. That post-credits scene obviously changed the film industry in so many ways. (Orginally referenced radioactive bugs and mutants 👀)
IM2! Kind of a mess, but I still love bits.

The courtroom is great: RDJ cracking jokes, Cheadle’s command, Rockwell zips as Hammer, Garry Shandling RIP as Sen Stern... all so good.
OMG an Elon Musk cameo and the Grand Prix (GREAT scene) that's aged oddly.

Also a "wear a mask" comment from Tony to a sniffly Pepper aged incredibly.

"She did *quite* a spread on Tony last year".."Yea she wrote a story as well" LMAO
The suit-as-a-case thing is kind of an interesting step in MCU Iron Man suit progression. Pretty cool on screen, feels like it takes 20 min 😂. Knowing what’s to come with extremis and nanotechnology, it’s fun.

Mickey Rourke is just.. not compelling at all in this thing imo. 🤢
IM2 is just so incredibly busy. Father-son dynamics, Tony's decay, Rhodey's origin story, Widow's intro, Pepper to CEO, Justin Hammer, Whiplash, on and on and on... big lesson for Feige early on, I'd imagine.

Favreau's last directed MCU project leaves a bad taste.
Feels super odd listening to Paul Bettany's voice as JARVIS before he becomes Vision.

Tons of little MCU easter eggs too... mentioning of the southwest / New Mexico (Thor), Cap's shield, the Avenger Initiative... a teensy heavy handed lol.
How about how a reddit theory said this was a young Peter Parker at the Stark Expo and Feige liked it so much he made it canon?
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