anyways I am on the spectrum and I’ve been hiding that for a long time ..

I’ve been hiding it since I was 14. And I taught myself how to not show signs which was hard.

I also have a stutter , and I am dyslexic and have dyscalculia.
I also have bipolar , bpd, depression , anxiety and ptsd.

That’s all I’m comfortable sharing about me right now but I was tired of hiding it from everyone else.
So I do struggle a lot day to day I’m just very good at pretending I’m okay :,) I just want to be treated the same like everyone else ..
And I don’t want to hear the “oh I noticed but didn’t wanna assume” bs.

Just treat me like anyone else. I also learn from my own mistakes and try my hardest to not fuck up. Along with my other disabilities I also have BDD.

Which is why I edit my photos and I’m okay with that
Don’t argue with me that editing my photos is bad for my self esteem because I edit the photos on how I wanna see myself and until I can afford those surgeries to make it happen .. y’all gonna get edited photos.

I’m always upfront with what I do.
I know this thread is all disorganized but I’m now just word vomiting. So I’m sorry if nothing makes sense.

There are days where I don’t want to live anymore and no one really notices when I’m at my lowest and I wish someone did but hey I always get through it somehow 💕
Also there’s so much more about me but when I’m ready I’ll say. Maybe someone out there won’t feel as alone as I do when talking about these things

I’m sorry I’m just tired of hiding things and then people wondering why I get upset at a joke or something
I shouldn’t be ashamed of who I am and what I have but it’s scary .. to be anything but “normal and functioning” I think I’m my own type of normal and I can still function.. it just takes a bit of time for me..
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