People keep questioning why Biden isn't blowing Trump out of the water and the answer is simple--but y'all don't want to hear it--and that answer is most white voters support racism. Biden can't out-racists Trump. Dems can't run on white nationalism like Republicans can.
I feel that many white pundits, journalists and progressives struggle to understand the depths of anti-Blackness in their community. They have to put away the notion that Trump voters are all gun-totin' toothless Confederates from Alabama. They are your coworker in the next cube.
A white soccer mom dropping her kid off in suburban Chicago; the nice old white lady who always speaks to you at the grocery store on Staten Island; the white dude that fixes your brakes. They are not fooled by Trump. They vote for him because he appeals to their white identity.
Instead of asking why Dems haven't been able to compete for white voters since 1964. Ask why have Republicans been so successful in the last 50+ years. The GOP understands its base. They want Muslim bans and Latinx kids in cages. They want white vigilantes on the streets.
I think it's why so many white pundits and progs didn't see Joe Biden's primary victory coming. They thought the base wanted policy. Political campaigns are emotional. People want to feel seen and heard. Trump makes racist white people feel seen and heard. They feel powerful.
Dems need to watch who the GOP targets. The GOP suppresses Black voters because we are so important to Democrats. It's why they attack college educated white women or call us coastal elites. Dems allow the GOP to frame us in this way. As out of of touch. We are the majority.
Dems have to stop playing the GOP game and fully embrace what makes this party special. And it's not policy wonks on twitter. It's Black grandmas and Latinx kids and smart white women and college athletes. Turn them out and Trump & the GOP are doomed.
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