this has really opened my eyes to just how anti-black fandom is. not y’all making “wakanda forever” jokes, art, and referring to him as black panther when so many black people have asked you not to. not you guys continuously ignoring pleas from members of your communities
to not do any of that shit and to give black people the space to mourn. this goes beyond chadwick boseman. how many people have i seen romanticize the deaths of victims of police brutality? you guys seriously think its okay to make art of these people for likes and rt?
im sorry, but no. i dont want to see art and poems about black people who died when they didn’t have to. i want justice. and i want you people to stop ignoring black people in fandom when they tell you that liking, retweeting and most important making that shit is inappropriate.
this tweet will probably go unnoticed, just like tweets like this always do. but will say this. it is unacceptable to me that non black people in fandom find it appropriate to ignore the feelings of black people, wether that be ignoring them when they tell you
to have respect for black death and give black people a space to mourn, making romanticized art of victims of police brutality instead of signing petitions and retweeting fundraisers and educating yourself, or just not making an effort to listen to black people at all because
retweeting anime and video games is more important to you than making a safe and comfortable environment for black people who share fandom space with you
tl:dr fandom doesnt care black people. nb people continuously disrespect the needs of black people, rt-ing and making art that romanticizes police brutality, ignoring black death completely, or they just are openly racist.
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