okay i dunno where did y'all get the idea that i am 'cancelling' those people who has priv accs buut y'all missing my point. i also have a priv acc where i vent out all my shts and stuffs/// so why tf would i call out people like me??? https://twitter.com/howudoooinnn/status/1299724914023251971
as for those ppl calling me hypocrites, for once, i never told anyone to stop tweeting. why y'all calling me out for what i'm tweeting and rt-ing recently??? no, don't label me as hypocrite hehe.
i ALSO did mention that chad/wick's death is a trend. i respect him! i am saying that people who're following the trend, stopping moots to twt for a while, do not know the real reason why they have to stay quiet for a while. (this comes in my point abt priv accs)
tw // mental illness

+++ i am deeply sorry for triggering your anxiety, depression, etc, because i mentioned some things abt priv accs... i didn't mean to....
now, can we all talk calmly and nice.... i am willing to take down my tweets but i want to clear, not my name, but my point here... u can dm me... :)
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