Seeing all the drama being done on our ancestral land, an attempts to alienate people from their very own forefathers founded city. We opened our arms for all ethnicities. Today they question our belongingness to the city. Ironic isn’t it. Their love for City eclipses ours. Wow!
Today reading all the tweets from those whose grand parents came to well panned city, a modern city. A bustling metropolis, now lecturing us how we have destroyed the city. Only boils my blood. No sir the city was destroyed when you had the ownership under military dictators.
You allowed Afghanis under Zia dictator into city, to destroy its well panned structure & created illegal settlements across the city, You under Musharraf allowed massive construction of unplanned towns. Since 2008 we are fixing the mess you have left for us, created since 80s.
Being a stronger believer of constitutional federalism, Today because of this nonsense tirade perpetrated against the Sindhis & our belongingness to the Karachi. Makes we question the choices our forefathers made in 1947. Stop this nonsense before it becomes the popular feeling.
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