My mom’s had a little lemon tree in her backyard for a year and this is her first lemon lol 🍋
Might just change my name to Baby Lemon 😂
Wow baby lemon is taking offff

Since you’re here please remember,
there are so many things going on in the world right now. It’s so hard to fight for everything at once but please consider or continue to donate & speak up ♥️
Lol okay I haven’t been able to keep up but I’ll say this from what I have seen
1. I didn’t pick baby lemon, so relax, I thought my mom did but she said touched it and it fell off into her hand
2. I was not making fun of my mom or lil lemon we both laughed but I’m v proud of them
3.Any advice/tips are appreciated😌 just don’t be a dick about it
4. BLACK LIVES STILL MATTER & we need justice for the countless lives taken. California is on fire & there’s so many families & animals that need help
2020 is the worst for so many reasons so just enjoy baby lemon
People are asking to see the tree lol
So here ya go
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