y’all don’t realize how much of a privilege it is to have your own room, I grew up poor & shared a room with my siblings. I never had time to myself or had any privacy & now that I’m in a single dorm, I feel like I’m finally understanding myself
especially now, if I would’ve stayed home I would’ve been stuck working on my bed with my sister in the room or in the kitchen with my dad and brother there. When the school sent us back I felt like I couldn’t escape, going on walks & runs was the only “me” time I had
not having my own work space surprisingly messed me up so bad, my grades were so low but I was so lucky to have understanding professors, who after communicating with them throughout the semester, gave me grades they thought I earned rather than what canvas was saying
since some of you choose to knit-pick things, I’m gonna drop this here https://twitter.com/litzybautistaa/status/1299902560778805249
not y’all sexualizing my tweet🤣 whole point of this was to talk about the lack of freedom you have when you have to share a room, especially when it comes to knowing what music you like, how you like to decorate a room, if you prefer loud or quit environments, etc.
I never got to decorate my room cause I shared, I never listened to music aloud cause I shared, I never got to even see who I was when no one was looking cause I was always sharing spaces..
anyways, lemme add on that sexual exploration & health is important too especially when you’re growing up & understanding yourself, BUT that is not at all what I was referring to lol
You can follow @litzybautistaa.
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