#LuciferSeason5 is keeping the depression at bay, so let's dive into a thread of why I think Ep 4 "It never ends well for the chicken" is important, genius, and NOT just a filler. Foreshadowing, character growth, and hints, oh my... #luciferseason5spoilers #luciferspoilers
1st we get some of the most obvious character growth in all of 5A in a 2 min scene. It may be Lucifer's "last night on Earth" & he *chooses* to spend it at home, being 'a shoe' as it were. He owns his own Monopoly board now. There's a non-alcoholic drink ready for Trixie - he...
has remembered this for thousands of years, mind. Game night & possibly that Trixie drinks Shirley Temples. When only Trixie shows, he doesn't panic/make her leave. The conversation even implies he invited her directly. He asks after Chloe but...
doesn't push. The bar is mentioned, but even that is with "let's go" not "I'll go." He barely reacts to Trixie's lack of personal space, just moves her without a word. This is literally all in a 2 min scene and immediately following an ep poking fun at old Luci's flaws.
Then he opens up about something in his past. (Also in that scene? A reminder Trixie has learned negotiation/manipulation.) We shift to an old Lucifer which drives home this growth - he's dismissive, bored, unaware, upholding a deal - he is, quite literally, "black and white."
He isn't nuanced but the ep is. It contains both a McGuffin & a literal Chekhov's Gun. Does the ring go from one to the other at the end? Is it meant to remind us of another piece of jewelry given to Luci by a friend? (Is that amethyst in the shot of the Eye of Horus cabinet?)
Foreshadowing/hints: This ep is packed. Immediately before we see Lucifer convince Jack to help him by giving him cash - we get reminded Trixie is there & why this story is being told. Then, without realizing it, we start getting clues for ep 7 & 8...
Lilith is now Lily at the Garden Club... Easily dismissed because Lilith/Eden. But think about it again after 7 & 8. She's a mother, a "Lily" who uses her voice for a living, who sure did "love that garden" - who is shown to be linked to a character played by Ella...
Interesting how this ep has 2 killers isn't it? 1 who makes a mess of a crime scene leaving evidence to lead to him..who also seems to kind of whisper? & 1 who...well...
Doesn't seem the type who could do it. Who we see in a costume after the 1st murder. Who has white lillies behind his bar. Who kills the Ella standin character, by cutting something out of them (in this case a heart) in a crime scene with nothing linking him there.
(in 8, Pete to Ella: "Should I have cut out their hearts instead?) Then a 3rd person comes out of the woodwork. Gertie, who clearly pays attention, has been working behind the scenes to get something she wants. Much like Michael when he also brings out the big guns in 7 yes?
Other stuff I noticed: Amenadiel character standin in ep4 - he's a priest/oracle/justice of the peace. Amenadiel in ep5 has a connection to nuns, reveals divinity, receives/delivers message from God, connection to law, helps bring together Chloe/Luci by translating God's actions
Dan character, who thinks he's invulnerable, is shot by Lucifer. Later, (again eps 7/8) Lucifer, who thinks he's vulnerable, is shot by Dan.

(And the "call my father!" from a character who loves 'war' but doesn't fight his own battles, who pretends to be something he's not??)
Then, Lilith's apartment # is 112. Based on other admitted apartment number connections, I checked ep 1x12 - Trixie is bribed w/ cash in that ep for info (!) & we see a painting of the brothers Michael & Lucifer where the 'bad one' is being stabbed *through the right shoulder*
The sets/props! There's the big gun & white lillies & possible amethyst but also Tree of Life & the skeleton of twins *joined at the right shoulder* AND the crown-like item near Lucifer's head in a scene right before he & Lilith literally switch places while talking about Hell.
That's only the stuff I've caught & put together. "Everything is intentional on this show.” - Tom Ellis
"It's like a gigantic puzzle, only you don't know what the corner pieces are, or what it's gonna look like when it's done." - Dan, 5x05 #LuciferSeason5 #luciferspoilers
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