My ancestors were brought to this country as slaves. My mother was born without voting rights.

Black people have lived as 2nd class citizens used as political fodder by 2 corporate ptys for generations, but white women on the timeline are lecturing me abt privilege.
If you leverage Trump-created crises to get votes but ignored the crises that have been going on for centuries in the Black community YOU are privileged.

It is absolutely craven to keep asking vulnerable groups to sacrifice indefinitely w/o any end in sight.
Those who would have us sacrifice Black liberation for other just causes—pitting BLM against the horror of “kids in cages” are evil. That’s what “vote blue no matter who” does. We must celebrate libratory possibility of fighting for all these causes in tandem.
None of us are free until all of us are free. But some liberals are clear that the only grievances that matter are those that can be weaponized by the Democratic Party to secure elections. Black votes are captured, so sit down, shut up, and vote. Maybe in 100 years you’ll be free
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