A little something relevant:


The moment you say a word, you can't take it back

Learn now rather than later that the little bit of pleasure you get when you say something will ultimately be outweighed by the price you pay by saying it

(Case Study 👇)
Heard this a while ago, thought it was especially reevant here

Kondraty Ryleyev was sentenced to death by Nicholas 1. As Ryleyev stood with the rope around his neck awaiting death, the rope broke and he dropped to the ground
Because it was 1825, this was interpreted as a heavenly will and usually would result in a pardon. But of course, Ryleyev had to yell out "You see, in Russia they don't know how to do anything properly, not even how to make rope!"
When a messenger told Nicholas about what happened, he asked if he said anything after the miracle. When the messenger told him what he said, Nicholas said "let us prove the contrary," and ripped the pardon. The next day they hung him again-- and the rope didn't break...
Never speak more than you are supposed to. I learned this one the hard way today.

RT to remind people of this. I so wish someone reminded me...
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