If i pay R100k for lobola of course I’ll eventually behave like i own you. No one has ever had to part with 100k and not feel territorial over whatever that 100k got them. This lobola chat is very dangerous especially in a country like ours with extreme GBV.
You can either be all emotional about this topic or we can do the right thing and be 100% objective and face reality. The reality is Lobola is a formality to legitimize our union also its a Thank You gift to your parents/guardians.
The minute we place monetary value on a human life, is the minute we start a sequence of events that’s gonna end in tears.🤞🏾
That’s my 2cents. Feel free to object.
Thats why i highly advocate against High amounts of money for lobola. Lobola must be R5000, if that man starts being dizzy and entitled, just e-wallet him that money & leave cause his dismal.
. https://twitter.com/lordvizo__/status/1299767132557848577
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